The three channels of this amplifier features tones resembling hi-gain amplifier designs in both classic and modern versions. Hellstone Prodigy Tiberius is a Polish design of a hi-gain tube amplifier. Once you hear how it sounds, you'll definitely want to have it. It's the king of hi-gain tones, combining the characteristics of Fender Tweed, Marshall Plexi, Soldano SLO100, and Mesa Dual Rectifier amplifiers.
Microphones used to capture: dynamic - SHURE 545 Unidyne, condenser NEUMAN U47 FET from Abbey Road Studio 1970 EMI Collection, ribbon - AEA R92 Ribbon Microphone. Microphones plugged into full analog mixing desk: API THE BOX with API preamps.
All profiles captured at CUSTOM34 STUDIO, Gdansk, Poland.