leosteps Registered on 2024-07-13
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About Professor in the Film and Audiovisual undergraduate course at Unimep (Brazil). Master (2022) and Doctoral Student in Music (in progress) at Unicamp. Postgraduate in Didactic-Pedagogical Processes for Distance Learning Courses at Univesp (2023). Postgraduate in Creative Writing at Vera Cruz Institute (2013). Undergraduate in Literary Studies at Unip (2008). Researcher at Interdisciplinary Sound Communication Center (Nics, Unicamp). Researcher in the areas of Music Cognition, Music Semiotics, Ethnomusicology, Sonology, Music and Technology, music genres, electric guitar, audio signal processing, timbre, sound aesthetics, and construction of meaning in music. Professional performance as soundtrack composer, sound designer, music producer, audio programmer and narrative designer. Guitar player. Authorial composition in alternative rock, extreme metal, experimental music and contemporary improvisation. Brazilian, born in 1978. Married and father of a beautiful little daughter.
Nickname: leosteps


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